Co|Lab at Dance Exchange 2025:
Ordinary Acts of Resistance (working title)
April 5 - May 16, 2025
Ages 18+
No prior dance experience is necessary
Lead Artists: Judith Bauer & Corina Iona Dalzell
This year, Co|Lab at Dance Exchange invites participants to explore the quiet, powerful ways we resist and persist daily. Guided by lead artists Judith Bauer and Corina Iona Dalzell, we will cultivate resilience through personal and collective acts of resistance.
What is an act of resistance in your life? Is it resting? Walking through the weather? Gardening? Finding joy in a world that didn’t bring it and cannot take it away? Through these questions, we will connect to the practices that sustain us and fuel our ability to endure.
Each participant will bring their practices of resistance—be they physical, emotional, or conceptual—into the space. We’ll write, talk, draw, and reflect together, melding individual ideas into a shared performance. This process will culminate in the creation of a new work, Ordinary Acts of Resistance (working title), a world-premiere dance that celebrates persistence in all its forms.
The choreography will emerge organically from the ideas, movements, and discoveries that arise within the group. From solos to duets and larger ensemble pieces, we will craft movement together, drawing on the unique bodies and perspectives of those in the room.
In this collaborative environment, each participant is invited to share their personal resistance practices and contribute to a collective vision. The result is a dynamic, ever-evolving performance that reflects both the diversity and unity of our collective resilience.
Join us in exploring resistance, persistence, and joy as we move from our heads into our bodies and create a dance that speaks to the power of ordinary acts to change the world.
What is the rehearsal and performance schedule?
Saturday, April 5 @ 6-9pm
Saturday, April 12 @ 6-9pm
Saturday, April 19 @ 6-9pm
Saturday, April 26 @ 6-9pm
Saturday, May 3 @ 6-9pm
Saturday, May 10 @ 6-9pm
Wednesday, May 14 @ 6-9pm
Thursday, May 15@ 6-9pm
Friday, May 16 @ 6-9pm
What is the tuition for Co|Lab?
$300. Co|Lab General Tuition
$280. Returning Co|Lab Participant (if you have previously participated in a past DX Co|Lab)
Limited scholarship opportunities are available. If price is a barrier for you, please let us know in your registration.
Refund Policy
If you cancel your registration on or before the Early Bird Deadline, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel your registration after the Early Bird Deadline, you will not receive a refund but your payment can be credited to a future Organizing with Artists for Change Institute or Co|Lab within one calendar year. Please email
COVID-19 Policy
To keep our intergenerational community safe, masks and social distancing are encouraged during Dance Exchange classes. Read our updated COVID-19 policy here.
Lead Artists:
Judith Bauer
Dance Exchange Dance On Lead Artist,
Dance On Creative Aging
Advisory Board Member
Corina Iona Dalzell
Dance Exchange Lead Artist,
Youth Programs Lead Artist
“I loved being able to collaborate [with] such a diverse group of people living in and around DC. I would love the opportunity to dance with these folks again.”
- 2022 Co|Lab Participant