Community and Creative Hub @ DX: A.J. Collabs

In this blog series, we highlight some of the remarkable artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and community members who move and make in our studios. These individuals and groups help make the Community and Creative Hub @ DX the vibrant, multi-disciplinary, creative space that it is.

Four dancers lean on each other to form a group pose, all wearing light and dark blue shirts and shorts, looking at us with intense expressions.

This week, meet A.J. Collabs, a movement based company led by Anastasia Johnson that provides movement, vocal, musical, spoken word, other self identified creator collaborators the creative opportunity to be a part of an interactive artistic process. Read on to hear how the Community and Creative Hub @ DX supports A.J. Collabs’ creative process.

How long have you been engaged in the Dance Exchange community?
Since 2018.

What's your favorite thing about being connected to Dance Exchange's Community and Creative Hub?
I love to connect and learn about other dance peers. The Hub is a great source of networking.

How has being part of Dance Exchange’s Community and Creative Hub supported your growth?
I have taken different workshops at Dance Exchange, my favorite being the AXIS Dance teacher training hosted by Dance Place in partnership with Dance Exchange. We also use studios for rehearsal space often—they’re very nice studio spaces!

How can our Dance Exchange community connect with you and your work right now?
People can connect with me through my website,, Instagram @ajcollabs, and Facebook A.J. Collabs. We’re performing at Terre Dance Collective - Layers V.3 on April 9th and April 10th and at Richmond Dance Festival April 29th and April 30th.


2022 Dance On Gathering


Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Jacqueline Holland Higgins