Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Aerial Candy

Aerial Candy wears a teal skirted leotard as she hangs gracefully with her back arched and 1 leg extended through a yellow aerial silk ribbon in a white studio.

In this blog series, we highlight some of the remarkable artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and community members who move and make in our studios. These individuals and groups help make the Community and Creative Hub @ DX the vibrant, multi-disciplinary, creative space that it is—even when social distancing measures are still in place to keep our communities safe. 

This week, meet another aerial artist, Aerial Candy, which offers classes in Aerial Hoop (Lyra) , Aerial Silks, Aerial Sling and Aerial Cube with experienced professional instructors. Read on to hear the Community and Creative Hub @ DX is making it possible for Aerial Candy to continue providing amazing workouts while giving movers the chance to experience the thrill of aerial dance. 

How long have you been engaged in the Dance Exchange community?
2 years!

What surprising opportunities or challenges have you encountered while adapting your class/program/creative process in response to COVID-related social distancing?
One challenge we have faced is number of people we can have in the studio. Previously, our classes would run from 6-8 students and they were able to share not only space, but apparatuses. We are no longer running classes – only rehearsals for people to train independently with a max of 3 people in the studio. We are extremely grateful to be able to continue to rehearse and practice an art that we love so much, but it has certainly taken on toll on the business.

How has being part of Dance Exchange’s Community and Creative Hub supported your growth as an artist, mover, or facilitator?
Being part of Dance Exchange’s community has helped me grow and connect with like-minded individuals. I’m so happy and grateful to have a place where I can explore and grow as an artist. Helping others grow into their art and achieve their goals has helped me find deep meaning and filled my heart.

How can our Dance Exchange community connect with you and your work right now?
We will have having a showcase streamed via Zoom in mid March. More details and ticket information coming soon!


Community and Creative Hub @ DX: May Kesler


Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Aaron Kozloff