Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Saber Ninjas

Selfie of a person holding a glowing lightsaber above their head while a burst of light obscures their face.

In this blog series, we highlight some of the remarkable artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and community members who move and make in our studios. These individuals and groups help make the Community and Creative Hub @ DX the vibrant, multi-disciplinary, creative space that it is—even when social distancing measures are still in place to keep our communities safe. 

This week, meet Saber Ninjas, which shares diverse martial arts sword katas from many traditions including European Fencing and Traditional Japanese Swordsmanship—all using Lightsabers! Read on to learn more about how the Community and Creative Hub @ DX supports their growing community.

How long have you been engaged in the Dance Exchange community?
We are relatively new to Dance Exchange, having been a part of this wonderful community for only a few months.

What's your favorite thing about being connected to Dance Exchange's Community and Creative Hub?
Our favorite thing is being inspired by such a great community that’s focused on spreading the love of dance, movement and community to as many people as possible.

How has being part of Dance Exchange’s Community and Creative Hub supported your growth as organization?
It has enabled us to have a quality place to practice and expand the love of martial arts katas focused on energy and spiritual awareness by removing the cost barrier of attendance of our classes

How can our Dance Exchange community connect with you and your work right now?
Visit us at our website, and on Facebook and Meetup.


Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Wu Shen Tao Tai Chi Kung Fu Center


Why Dance Matters: 45 Years, 45 Voices