Community and Creative Hub @ DX: May Kesler

May Kesler smiles at camera as she dances with sheer indigo skirt held out at her sides and left knee lifted with toe pointed.

In this blog series, we highlight some of the remarkable artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and community members who move and make in our studios. These individuals and groups help make the Community and Creative Hub @ DX the vibrant, multi-disciplinary, creative space that it is.

This week, meet May Kesler, a longtime member of the Dance Exchange community. Read on to hear how May’s work at the intersection of dance, physical therapy, and more has grown in connection with the Community and Creative Hub @ DX.

How long have you been engaged in the Dance Exchange community?
Somewhere close to thirty years!

What's your favorite thing about being connected to Dance Exchange's Community and Creative Hub?
I love my fellow dancers, the varied and talented guest teachers, the acceptance of all ages, styles, and types of dancers.

How has being part of Dance Exchange’s Community and Creative Hub supported your growth as an artist and entrepreneur?
I have rented and performed at the Hub many times throughout my career.

How can our Dance Exchange community connect with you and your work right now?
You can visit my website at or find me on social at @mkbdancer. I am teaching an ongoing Zoom Fascial Fitness and Flexibility class on Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm. Class is free but you must register by emailing interest to to receive link.

I am always available to lead Tarot in Motion workshop, using specialized Tarot cards to create dances, and I teach and offer Dance Medicine Injury reduction and prevention workshops for teachers, parents, and dancers.


2022 Shula Strassfeld Memorial Scholarship: Louise Heit


Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Wu Shen Tao Tai Chi Kung Fu Center