The Critical Response Process: Workshops and FREE Book Event

Book cover for Critique is Creative: The Critical Response Process in Theory and Action.

Join Dance Exchange and longtime collaborator John Borstel on Saturday, July 9, to explore Critical Response Process and hear from contributors to the new book, Critique is Creative.

Devised by Dance Exchange founder Liz Lerman in 1990, the Critical Response Process (CRP) is a leading method for guiding feedback on creative works in progress and a toolkit of values that support learning, dialogue, and community encounters. Three events with Liz’s longtime collaborator John Borstel will offer an introduction and deep dive into the essentials and applications of this method.

Events may be experienced individually or in combination. The late afternoon book event is FREE. 

This event is happening in connection with Dance Exchange’s 2022 Organizing with Artists for Change Summer Institute, July 8-10. Learn more about and register for the Summer Institute. Registration for the CRP Book Event and Workshops is automatic for Summer Institute registrants.

Online Workshop | Making Good Feedback Good: The Formal Critical Response Process

12:00 - 1:30pm ET
$30 admission
Online via Zoom

What kind of feedback leaves you motivated and eager to get back to work on your creative project? Joined by an artist presenting an actual work in progress, we’ll reflect on this question as a foundation for learning and experiencing the three roles and four steps of the fomal Critical Response Process.

In-Person Workshop | Critical Response Principles and Practices

2:30 - 4:00pm ET
$30 admission

Inquiry. Reciprocity. Agency. Consent. We’ll look at principles like these as components of meaningful critical dialogue, then put them into practice as we discern, share, and advance our own works in progress – no preparation required!

FREE Online Book Event: Critique Is Creative

4:30 - 6:00pm ET
Free admission
Online via Zoom

John will discuss and share excerpts from Critique Is Creative, the just-released book on CRP co-authored with Liz Lerman. Then, for a deep dive into CRP’s applications and implications, he’ll lead a conversation with Cassie Meador, CJay Philip and Mark Callahan, a few of the twenty artists, educators, and activists who have contributed essays and case studies to the publication.

Questions? Email or call 301-270-6700.


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