Community and Creative Hub @ DX: Rhizome DC

In this blog series, we highlight some of the remarkable artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and community members who move and make in our studios. These individuals and groups help make the Community and Creative Hub @ DX the vibrant, multi-disciplinary, creative space that it is.

Bold text with striated lines reads, "Rhizome D, C." Gray strapline beneath reads, "Art, learning, D, I, Y and culture.

This week, meet Rhizome DC, a Takoma Park-based arts organization dedicated to promoting creativity as a force for personal empowerment and community engagement. Read on to hear how the Community and Creative Hub @ DX has supported their work.

How long have you been engaged in the Dance Exchange community?
Five years.

What's your favorite thing about being connected to Dance Exchange's Community and Creative Hub?
The cross-pollination!

How has being part of Dance Exchange’s Community and Creative Hub supported your growth as an organization?
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate on programming one day!

How can our Dance Exchange community connect with you and your work right now?

Learn about Rhizome DC general programs and our youth programs. Connect with us on Instagram (@rhizome_dc), Facebook (@rhizomedc), and Twitter (@rhizomedc).


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